📝 How to install Arrow on Shopify for a seller
You can easily add Arrow's code snippets into the them file if you use Shopify.
You can choose to either follow the installation steps provided here, or discuss with Arrow Customer Success Manager to have Arrow help you with the installlation process.
If you require Arrow developer's help, Add Arrow Dev to Shopify If you don't require Arrow developer's help, you can skip this step.
Create Arrow Checkout as a custom app
Configure Admin and Storefront API settings for the Arrow Checkout custom app
Pass the Admin and Storefront API tokens to Arrow Dev
Add arrow.js to your Shopify theme file
Add 'successful' or 'cancelled' handlers
Add Arrow checkout button on the cart page
Add Arrow checkout button on the product page
Add the 'successful order' page
Connect Arrow with Shopify webhooks
Ensure scripts related to Analytics are correctly inserted