Follow the steps below to set up Arrow for WooCommerce

1. Install Arrow checkout from the WC public marketplace

Plugins > Add New > Search 'Arrow Checkout'

Once you have found it on the marketplace, you may install and activate it.

2. Input Arrow merchant credentials on plugin setup page

You need to first set up Arrow merchant credentials. Go to “WooCommerce” in the left hand menu > Select “Settings” > Navigate to “Payments” tab after the page loads.

Locate the “Arrow” method in the table in the “Payments” tab:

Tap on the “Manage” button.

You will arrive at the page to configure settings for Arrow checkout. You can edit the settings to your own preference except for Title and Description.

For Title and Description, please use the following:

Title Arrow Checkout
Description The fastest way to checkout on the Internet

Please fill in the following credentials on this page:

Environment Production.
Client Key Enter your Client Key.
Secret Key Enter your Secret Key.
Username Enter your Username.

Please obtain the Client Key, Secret Key and Username from your Customer Success Manager.

Enable Admin Test mode

Once you have configured the above, select 'Enable' test mode checkbox if the Arrow checkout has to be solely used for testing.

  • Use Test Mode to show Arrow checkout buttons when logged in as admin or user with ‘management’ role enabled on wp-admin.
  • You can preview how Arrow checkout appears on your site before you set it live for your shoppers.

3. Configure settings for Arrow checkout plugin

Note: If you'd like to learn more about configuring the additional settings, you can visit the settings configurations page

4. Activate Arrow checkout for your store

After you have saved the settings, go to “Payments” tab > Go to “Arrow” method > Select “Enable” to enable Arrow checkout.

Note: Turn off 'Test Mode' if you have previously turned it on to test.

Congratulations! You have successfully added Arrow checkout to your store for your shoppers to experience the fastest checkout online!

5. Note: For Tax Settings (for those who have enabled ‘Tax’ in settings)

If you have setup tax settings, please select Customer shipping address as value for Calculate tax based on field.

6. Note: For Shipping options on cart page

If you'd like to enable One-Click Checkout, please uncheck 'Enable the shipping calculator on the cart page' option.

💬 We're here to help!

If you encounter any issues, please first confirm if you have correctly configured the settings provided in this guide. Reach out to Arrow support ( ) if your settings are accurate and yet you still encounter issues.